Photo was taken at Tooreenbawn, Millstreet, Co.Cork (Irl)

This small tree called ‘Witch Hazel’, is one of the delights of any garden during the month of January. It’s scent is light and sweet and carries right across your garden. The flower clusters have spidery, narrow petals that survive much better than large petals at this time of year. Most importantly it is one of the first plants to give a loud message: “Winter is nearly over and spring is about to begin”.

Thought on Monday – January – 30/01/2012

‘How often do I get so hung up on little things that I miss the big things? I can see that clearly in my parenting when I try so hard to get it all done that I forget the love behind why I’m doing it.’ ~Kristin Armstrong

It is sometimes easy to forget the bigger picture. Our days are full of things to do, essential jobs to get done, deal with the unexpected and often trying to get several things done at the same time. It’s not easy at times, it can often be tiring and sometimes what we do is not always appreciated. But when we think of the bigger picture there is often a good enough reason to keep us motivated. Love is often the reason why. When there is no love, it is simply a cold duty and just done simply for the sake of doing it. Spiritually the love behind everything we do is a link with God, it’s a living prayer and something we so often take for granted. All the little things we do are all intertwined and connected in some way. The meeting point between them all is God.