Photo was taken at Millstreet Country Park, Co.Cork (Irl)

This beautiful turf fire was burning brightly in a traditional cottage, in Millstreet Country Park, across the weekend. It was part of the Traditional Crafts and Blacksmithing Fair which drew huge crowds

Thought on Wednesday – May – 09/05/2012

‘Dig within. Within is the wellspring of good and it is always ready to bubble up, if you just dig.’ ~Marcus Aurelius

We so often put the emphasis on the externals, stuff to get done, deadlines to meet, shopping to be done, bills to be paid and so much more. Much of this stuff is important and most of it has to be done. But in all the doing we think everything else is unimportant. But within each person is a vast treasure or wellspring of goodness and love bubbling up. It needs expression but only if we allow it. At the heart of our belief system is to give expression to what is important within. No person can ever take that away from us no matter how hard they try. The image of something bubbling up has always been associated with the Divine. We can ask God to allow us to bubble over with love, goodness and so many more blessings.