Photo was taken in Macroom Park, Co.Cork (Irl)

The ground may look dead, bleak and heavy after the winter months of rain and wind. But already the daffodils are pushing their way through full of promise and potential.

Thanks for all the feedback re the new look for the website. Already we have sat down with the web designers and all the changes re your feedback have been taken note of. One important change will be the colour. The black darkground will be changing to more softer colours. The changes will kick in on Friday 1st Feb and depending on progress maybe even a few days before this date. Thank you for taking the time to email your feedback. It is appreciated.

Thought For Today is below

‘Welcome the stranger, for oft Christ comes in the stranger’s guise.’ Old Irish Saying

Today Jan 20th has been given the title ‘Migrant Sunday’. We remember today all who have left their homelands in search of employment, a new beginning, perhaps safety. The aim of any community or parish is to make it a place of welcome for people of any nationality. The challenge each day is to reach out a hand of welcome to those who have come to live among us. We ask God to bless all who live in our community and in particular those who have come to live with us from outside.