Photo was taken at Fitzgerald’s Park, Cork (Irl)

Sometimes its all about being in the right place at the right time. On its own this raindrop would just have been an ordinary raindrop. But the sunlight behind it made it sparkle and of course created a lovely moment to be captured on camera. This photo was taken using a macro lens allowing one to go right up close to the flower.

‘A prayer was found in a concentration camp where thousands of people had been starved and gassed to death. The prayer said, ‘Lord, may the fruits of our sufferings which made us support, care and encourage each other in pain, be collected together and accepted as a gift of forgiveness for those who tortured us. Look not on their evil deeds but on our blessings on their behalf.’

What a beautiful prayer but so challenging. How could anyone be so open, positive and forgiving in such awful circumstances. It really goes against the grain but then again throughout our scripture readings the call is to be open and forgiving even to those we don’t like. Is there any area of our lives that we need to let go of during these weeks of Lent and replace it with forgiveness? A humble, honest and forgiving attitude in life always goes a long way.