Photo was taken at Glendalough, Co.Wicklow (Irl)

In Ireland we are so used to rain particularly during the past few days with lots of heavy rain falling right across the country. This photo captures the raindrops hitting the water and then sending out ripples right across the water. At a deeper level it is a reminder how all our actions even those as small as a raindrop produce a ripple effect that touch and effect other people.

Thought on Sunday – April – 04/05/2008

Jesus said “Know that I am with you always, yes to the end of time.” Matthew 28:20

Today is the feast of the Ascension. Normally it is celebrated 40 days after Easter Sunday. So last Thursday it was celebrated in some countries but many celebrate it on this Sunday with the feast of Pentecost to look forward to next weekend. In our scripture readings particulary in the Acts of the Apostles we are given eye witness accounts of the Ascension of Jesus into heaven. However, they are not to be taken literally as the Ascension is a mystery which is beyond words.

But it did mean that Jesus would no longer be physically present to them but importantly he hadn’t left them entirely. He had simply taken on a new role where he would now be free from all restrictions of space and time. It wasn’t about his removal from this world but much more about his constant presence everywhere in the world we live. During his earthly ministry he could only be in one place at one time. But now that he is united with God, he is present whereever God is present and that is everywhere.