Photo was taken near Cadamstown, Co.Offaly (Irl)

Crows cleverly build their nests high up and out of the way. Even in strong winds these nests are remarkably strong. In our photo today one crow feeds its young while another keeps a close eye on proceedings. In a another week the nest will be completely closed in when all the leaves push through.

Thought on Tuesday – May – 19/05/2009

‘We need to be aware that drifting off course is almost a certainty. As in sailing, the wind – its direction, force and velocity can easily knock us off course. Our job as followers of Christ is to fight to stay on course’ ~Martin Tierney

The phrase ‘drift away’ is a nautical one and describes how a boat or ship can drift off course. Even the most experienced sailor is constantly working to counter drifting away. The same is also true of our own lives. There are many things that happen each day that can throw us off course and allow us to drift. Sometimes we might not even be aware we are drifting. It is good to check in with ourselves once in a while. If we are honest with ourselves it’s easy to know if we are drifting. Often putting back in place important priorities is always a good starting point. Any contact, space or time for God is always one of those priorities. Even a simple honest prayer can be a great starter: ‚ÄúLord, I feel I am drifting in life. Please help me back on track again‚Äù.