Photo was taken at Tooreenbawn, Millstreet, Co.Cork (Irl)

The pink Cyclamen takes on a new vibrancy against a white background of the recent snowfall.

Thought on Thursday – January – 21/01/2010

‘What is faith? What does it mean to a young person today? For young people, I think faith is not simply about knowing a set of religious beliefs. True faith involves love.’ ~Thomas Kelly

There has been much talk in recent times about a loss of faith particularly among young people. How do you measure a loss or even an increase in faith? You can’t exactly use a measuring tape! Neither can you measure it by whether you go to Mass or not. It is much deeper. For young people today, faith involves loving their friends, enjoying their company, sharing with them and having older adults who are genuinely willing to listen to them. This is where it’s happening for them. It would be a great shame if we are not willing to journey with them. Faith will never be a neat package that we can open and close occasionally. It is part of our daily lives. For young people, they find God easier among friends and family rather than anything the Church may have to offer them. Some may find that sad but the very fact that they are finding God is a great reason to celebrate.