Photo was taken yesterday evening around 8.30pm looking across at Tullig Hill which overlooks Millstreet, Co.Cork (Irl)

The sunset was most impressive last evening. The colours in the sky were electric and as the sun went down it gently brought another day to a close.

Thought on Thursday – March – 15/04/2010

‘How we are defined in life is such an important thing, every perception of how we live in a society is finely balanced on that simple understanding. It speaks to who we are and how others see us.’ ~John McCarthy

A constant theme throughout scripture readings is to ‘just be’. This simply means being the person God created you to be. It doesn’t mean we have to try and be somebody else. It doesn’t mean we have to copy someone else. It means just be yourself. It sounds so right, even sounds easy but it is often a struggle to get even close to. The reason why it’s a struggle is because of outside pressures to be someone else. High expectations of society to conform, clever advertising and other subtle pressures push us into areas of our life where we are uncomfortable or those places where we are simply not ourselves. How about trying to allow some part of you to blossom and bubble today? Don’t be thinking negative about yourself or that you can’t do it. Easter is all about encouraging and nourishing every potential and every blossom. Yours no matter how tiny or small is where God wants you to start today!