Photo was taken at ‘An Riasc’ Farmhouse B&B beside the village of Feothanach on the Dingle Peninsula, Co.Kerry (Irl)

A cherry blossom tree pushes forth beautiful colours. It may be a little late this year but it is still most welcome as we move into these last few days of April.

Thought on Tuesday – April – 27/04/2010

A newspaper once interviewed couples who had celebrated 50 years of married life and asked them, ‚ÄúTo what do you owe the success of your marriage?‚Äù There were all sorts of answer, but one man replied: ‚ÄúIt is quite simple, my wife and I agreed when we got married that if she was bothered or upset about anything, she would get it off her chest and out in the open immediately. And if I was angry about something, then I would go for a walk. So I reckon the success of our marriage is because I’ve led a fairly outdoor life!!!

How we deal with anger or what upsets us is significant. Do we bottle it up? Do we explode and let it all out in a very short time? Do we talk about why we are angry? Do we pretend it never happened? Everyone deals with it different and the experts tell us there’s a lot of anger out there. Even when it comes to God we can be so angry. We can genuinely feel angry and upset by many things but in particular our sense of God having let us down. Like all anger it is a normal human emotion. To name the anger is always a good starting point. What am I angry about today? Am I angry with God? If I am can I name this anger?