Photo was taken at Bangalore Restaurant, London (Eng)

Today wraps up our series of pictures from London. The restaurant in our photo today was a major hit. It was downstairs or upstairs! Of course upstairs was the most sought after and you literally had to climb the ladder if you wanted to get up there. The waiters were well used to going up and down and the food was brilliant!!

Thought on Saturday – May – 15/05/2010

‘Prayer is the very core of life. The one who hungers for the awakening of the divine within must fall back on prayer. But prayer is no mere exercise of words or of the ears. It is no mere repetition of empty formulas. Any amount of repetition of God’s name is futile if it fails to stir the soul.’ ~Mohandas Gandhi

Countless books have been written on prayer. Even if you google prayer you get 66,800,000 possibilities. But all the information in the world can never get away from the simple fact that prayer is important and life giving. It’s not about lots of words, its not about praying out of obligation but its all about connecting with God in some way. The simple, honest and heartfelt prayers are often the best and most meaningful. There is a huge sense of failure among people when it comes to prayer. There is a sense that it is too difficult or beyond us. The more we try and complicate prayer, the higher the chance we will give up. The simpler we keep it, the more meaningful and important it will become.