Photo was taken at Cappanalea, Co.Kerry (Irl)

Wayne O’Callaghan from Col√°iste Choilm keeps his nerve as he climbs down a cliff face overlooking Caragh lake below.

Thought on Saturday – June – 22/05/2010

Every time we say, ‚ÄúI believe in the Holy Spirit,‚Äù we mean that we believe that there is a living God able and willing to enter human personality and change it.’ ~JB Philips

Tomorrow is the feast of Pentecost. It is a significant and important day for all of us. How does one describe the Holy Spirit? We have all been in a restaurant where the waitress has asked, ‚ÄúCan I warm up your coffee for you?‚Äù The cup may be half full and cold after sitting on the table for a while. When she pours the new coffee in, she refills and warms up the whole cup once again. In ways we are like the cup of coffee as well, perhaps we are spiritually cold and empty. We need a spiritual boost. The feast of Pentecost is asking God to fill each of us with the Holy Spirit, to renew and refresh, to instil hope and to impart life in each of us. We ask the Holy Spirit to guide and direct us and to teach us what’s really important in life. It would be a pity to let the weekend go by without a simple prayer to the Holy Spirit for guidance, direction, a sense of hope and courage in everything we do each day.