Photo was taken at Shanagarry, Co.Cork (Irl)

These large square straw bales could be bits of lego the way they were lined up in the field. They are a gentle reminder of harvest time and how there was a good return on what was sown last spring.

Thought on Saturday – September – 04/09/2010

‘What strikes a chord sometimes is that when Jesus spoke he had no amplification. Neither were there large plasma screens dotted through the crowds. Isn’t it possible that everybody didn’t hear everything but that as people walked away they talked about what he had said?’ ~Vincent Sherlock

There was something about what they heard that made them talk. The little bits and pieces of the good news they heard was shared and they were all nourished in some way. They were excited and refreshed by it. Each day we can be the carrier of good or bad news. It is clear we are saturated with negative and sad news all around us. We feed into it and we want more. What a shame and pity that we are not more open to the little bits of good news all around us. Unless we share some of this it gets lost. Such news is refreshing and exciting but we have to be the ones to make sure it happens. We can’t leave it to someone else. If we start, someone else will want to share it and so it spreads. We don’t need any qualification or degrees or further studies only a willingness to nurture our good news and to be a little slower in embracing whats negative and not life giving.