Francis was born in the Calabria, southern Italy to a childless couple who had prayed to Francis of Assisi, promising to name any son born to them after him. As he grew up he was horrified by the worldliness and wealth of Rome. He later lived as a hermit in a cave, resolving to live according to the ideals of St.Francis.

They became known as the Hermits of Brother Francis of Assisi and later changed their name to the Order of Minims. The name minimi indicated that they wished to be regarded least of all. He was beatified six years after his death in 1507. He was regarded as a major miracle worker. So many of his wonders were performed at sea or on behalf of those at sea that he was declared patron of Italian seafarers by Pope Pius 12th in 1943

Today is his feast day and we ask his many blessings. Amen