Photo was taken in the village of Mijas, Spain

A trip to Spain would never be the same without a trip to a bullring. Unfortunately there was no show or performance while I was there. I only just missed one by a few days hence the inset photo of the poster! The bullring in Mijas is supposed to be the smallest and highest in the country!

Thought on Monday – August – 01/08/2011

‘Time is free but it’s priceless. You can’t own it, but you can use it. You can’t keep it, but you can spend it. Once you’ve lost it, you can never get it back.’ ~Harvey Mackey

Time is something we take so much for granted. We often say we haven’t enough of time or that time goes by so quickly. But time can be our best friend if we begin to treat it as a friend. One of the best and simplest prayers at the end of any day is to quickly recall the events of that day. What things went well? What went badly? What could have gone better? Did we use time to our advantage or were we all over the place? No one gets it right and finding the balance in using time well is a daily challenge. Time becomes our friend when we try and do our best with what we have each day. Time becomes our friend when we work with people and events that are life giving and give us energy. Time becomes our friend when we begin to appreciate that it is a precious gift from God to us. It’s easy to lose and waste time but as our friend it helps us make the most of every day.