Photo was taken yesterday at Gougane Barra, West Cork (Irl)

A Ragworth flower grows on top of a rock, right in the middle of a fast flowing stream. This flower is extremely hardy and will do its best to grow anywhere.

Thought on Tuesday – September – 20/09/2011

In Europe, North America and Australia, churches are empty. On the other hand, in the rest of the world and especially in Africa the churches are packed to overflowing and both Christianity and Islam are growing fast. This is not simply a return to the past. My guess is that it is a search for spirituality and healing in the solidarity of a community.’ ~Albert Nolan

Very few of us can work and live independent of a community. A good community should allow every age group to feel a sense of belonging and that each person is valued and important. This is at the heart of the Gospel message, that no person or group should ever feel isolated or ignored. If our churches are empty then there is some aspect of community lacking. A church isn’t some place to go so that one can fulfil some obligation. People should go to church because they want to. If someone goes to church and feels a sense of welcome, warmth and a sense of community they will come back. A church brings together people of every experience: those with strong faith and little, those who are content with life and those who are upset, those who are questioning and those who are searching. A church without a sense of community is a church without a soul. During the boom years we felt much more independent and beyond community. Today there is a big swing back to community, working together and sharing ideas on common ground. The renewal of church must start with the bricks of building community. It will have to be done slowly, patiently but with time the benefits and blessings will bear fruit.