Photo was taken at the National Ploughing Championship at Athy, Co.Kildare (Irl)

The two men in our photo were 100% concentrating on the work in front of them with two working horses doing a great job.

Thought on Thursday – September – 22/09/2011

‘Every day is a fresh beginning. Every morning is the world made new.’ ~Sarah Chauncey Woolsey

Today is the last day of the hugely successful National Ploughing Championships in Athy Co.Kildare. With nearly 200,000 attending the three day event, it is one of the most popular outdoor events in Ireland each year. Ploughing goes back as far as history has been recorded and represents one of the major advances in agriculture. Its main purpose is to turn over the upper layer of the soil, bringing fresh nutrients to the surface, while burying weeds and the remains of previous crops underneath. It also aerates the soil and allows it to hold moisture better. Ploughing has also many spiritual connections too. We are encouraged to plough or turn over old hurts, mistakes, regrets and all forms of negativity. In our Gospels Jesus was constantly encouraging many to let the past go, not to hold onto negative burdens and instead be open to new beginnings. Just like a newly ploughed field, there is no going back, only make the most of what’s in hand. What in my life like ploughing do I need to turn over and allow in its place a fresh start?