Photo was taken at Ivale, Kilcorney, Co.Cork (Irl)

An insect is about to join its comrade on a buttercup. The buttercup looks worn and tired as it slowly gives way to the increasing power of Autumn.

Thought on Sunday – October – 09/10/2011

The following reflection is by Jane Mellett called ‘A real royal wedding’

Today’s Gospel is difficult. Stories of judgement, weeping and gnashing of teeth just don’t appeal to most people. Failure to turn up to a dinner party was of course bad manners. To refuse an invite to a royal wedding was even more serious. To kill the servants or messengers who came to you with the invite… well that is pushing things a bit far. As with all parables, there is more to this than meets the eye. God wants to be in a relationship with each of us. We are all invited to his banquet. We exclude ourselves from being in fellowship with him, from his hospitality, when we give God the brush-off. We sometimes do our best to put ourselves outside of his presence. So what host would not be offended? And what about that poor chap who did come but was not suitably dressed? If we accept the invitation we should be ready for change and not just change of an outer garment. The issue for Matthew is the replacement of the unworthy in the community with those who have responded to Jesus’ demands for his Kingdom. And as usual, they are not the people you would expect!