Photo was taken at Tooreenbawn, Millstreet, Co.Cork (Irl)

Some photos you plan and some you just run and grab the camera like this one!! When it comes to a rainbow they only last moments. Sometimes you wish you were higher up or in a more scenic spot but even with a forest as a backdrop it was still worth the effort!

Thought on Thursday – November – 03/11/2011

To coincide with Mid Term Break the Thought For Today this week is a repeat

‘We draw encouragement and inspiration from our loved ones who have gone before us and blazed a trail for us. Each one has made the path that bit easier for us.’ ~Flor McCarthy<BR
Languages can differ considerably. French as a language will often use two words where English just has the one. An example is ‘goodbye’. We just have the one word while the French use ‘Au revoir’. Yesterday we celebrated the feast of All Souls. We continue to remember and pray for those who have died throughout this month of November. Some we got to say goodbye to, while others left us before any goodbyes could be said. Our prayers are an attempt at saying we haven’t forgotten them and that they will always be a special part of our lives. The French have another word for goodbyes. They use ‘Adieu’ reserved for final definitive departures. The nearest English translation is ‘until we meet in heaven’. May all our loved ones who have died rest in peace.