Photo was taken looking across at the Beara Peninsula, from Bere Island, West Cork (Irl)

West Cork always looks stunning no matter what time of the year.

Thought on Sunday – December – 18/12/2011

The following reflection is by Jane Mellett

Today’s Gospel focuses on Mary’s vocation. It is her YES, her LET IT BE, that brings Light into this world. We can take the opportunity today to look at our own life situations and ask to what it is that we are being called. Mary may have had other plans for her life before the Angel Gabriel dropped in unannounced. God is so full of surprises for each one of us. Mary’s choice was no easy one under any human circumstance. It was very much like passing a death sentence. Can our attitude be like Mary’s: to search for God, to hear ourselves being called by name and to remember that nothing is impossible with God.