Photo was taken at Tooreenbawn, Millsteet, Co.Cork (Irl)

Sometimes when taking a photo, by changing the angle to a simple one from overhead can make all the difference. This Daphne flower looks full of life, as temperatures across Ireland hit a staggering 16 yesterday!

Thought on Friday – February – 24/02/2012

Though the human body is born complete in one moment, the human heart is never completely born. It is being birthed in every experience of your life. Everything that happens to you has the potential to deepen you.’ ~John O’Donoghue

As we begin our journey through Lent it is important to put the spotlight on the good and positive rather than just the negative. Lent has the potential to deepen and to allow us celebrate the great good within. If every experience of life touches us in some way, we need to appreciate that these can either uplift us or do the opposite. While our experiences can sometimes be challenging and difficult, there are many that continue to deepen and energise each of us. There is a lovely saying that says: “The more love you give away, the more love you will have.” We tend to forget that there is a lot of love being sown, nurtured and shared. The effects are unique and make all the difference. Can you feel the difference this Lent?