Photo was taken on Croagh Patrick, Co.Mayo (Irl)

Transition Year students from Col√°iste/Gaelchol√°iste Choilm, Ballincollig on their way up the rugged and tough climb that is Croagh Patrick.

Thought on Friday – March – 16/03/2012

We must not, in trying to think about how we can make a big difference, ignore the small daily differences we can make which, over time, add up to big differences that we often cannot foresee. ~Marian Wright Edelman

There is a story told about a preacher who had died. Afterwards they discovered that he had tied together all his sermons and placed a card on top of them with this inscription: “Where has the influence gone of all these sermons I’ve preached?” Underneath he had scribbled in large letters..OVER. On the other side this answer was found: “Where are last year’s sunrays? They have gone into fruits and grain and vegetables to feed people. Where are last year’s raindrops? Forgotten by most people, of course, but they did their refreshing work and their influence still remains. So too, my sermons have gone into people’s lives and made them nobler, more Christ like and better fitted for heaven.” There is a message in there for us too. It is all the small little moments that all add up to something really special. Our bit, our effort, our contribution, our love, our energy, our prayers and everything we do is precious, valuable and will never be forgotten. It leaves an imprint that lasts for eternity.