Photo was taken at Beaufort, Co.Kerry (Irl)

The village of Beaufort came to a halt as a herd of cows crossed from one side of the village to the other!!

Thought on Wednesday – May – 23/05/2012

‘Human life is a journey. Life is like a voyage on the sea of history, often dark and stormy, a voyage in which we watch for the stars to indicate the route. The true stars of our lives are the people close by us and who guide us along the way.’ ~Pope Benedict

The month of May is traditionally dedicated to Mary. She is sometimes referred to as the ‘Star of the Sea’. Considering the dangers of sea travel in ancient times, it is easy to imagine that sailors and passengers prayed to Mary for protection and a safe journey. One of the most powerful passages of scripture is when Jesus calms the storm on the Sea of Galilee. Not only did he calm the raging wind but the sea became calm and flat as a mirror. Even though the winds of a storm may ease, the waves will often take much longer to settle and calm. With Jesus it happened as soon as he spoke. This left a deep imprint on the disciples and something they would never forget. We pray today for guidance and direction on whatever journey we are on. If our lives feel like as if we are in a storm we pray for calm. We pray for those people who are close to us and who gently guide us along the journey of life. We ask God’s blessings on them today as well.