The planet Venus seen as a black dot, passes across the sun yesterday.

Thought on Thursday – June – 07/06/2012

‘In order to experience everyday spirituality, we need to remember that we are spiritual beings spending some time in a human body.’ ~Barbara de Angelis

Yesterday the planet Venus crossed between the sun and the earth. It appeared as a small black dot on the face of the sun. Why did it cause such excitement? Why all the fuss? The main reason is that the event is so rare. The next time will be in 2117. The first time it was seen was back in 1639 by an astronomer called Jeremiah Horrocks. It was a huge step forward because it allowed scientists to calculate the distance between the sun and the earth, which is 95 million miles or 153 million kilometres. From this they were able to calculate the distance to all the other planets. What is the spiritual significance of all this? Well for starters we are just a tiny dot in the bigger picture of the universe. Above us and around us there are planets and stars turning and rotating. We are often not even aware of such events yet somehow they are all connected and intertwined. A downside to technology is that we have lost touch with the cycles and rhythms of nature. Our grandparents and the generations before them were much more clued into what was going on around them. They were more grounded, more sure of themselves and better able to cope with an unexpected crisis. They also had a simpler and more holistic approach to spirituality. There was no intensity to it, just a realisation that God was somehow connected to everything. Getting back to the simple basics of what we believe in – is a good and healthy place to be.