Photo was taken at Griffins Gardening Centre, Dripsey, Co.Cork (Irl)

Well there are lots of ways to get the Christmas tree home and this is one way!!! Nothing like a sense of humour and lots of it at Griffins garden centre!

Thought on Tuesday – December – 18/12/2012

A story from Hindu folklore

One day a man saw a scorpion struggling in a deep pool of water. He decided to try to save it by stretching out a finger but the creature instantly stung him. Again the man tried to remove the scorpion from the water but he was stung again. An onlooker urged him to give up and go home. But the would-be rescuer said: “It is in the nature of the scorpion to sting. It is my nature to love. Why should I give up my nature because it is contrary to the way of the scorpion?”

As we approach Christmas we are encouraged to simply love in our best way, in our simplest way and in our most effective way.