Photo was taken on the Butter Road that goes up the side of Mushera mountain between Millstreet and Rylane, Co.Cork (Irl)

A fog pocket hangs in the valley at the dawn of a new day during the week.

Thought on Saturday – December – 22/12/2012

‘An individual is harder than iron, stronger than stone and more fragile than a rose.’ ~Turkish Proverb

Every person is a complex mixture of strengths and weaknesses, toughness and gentleness, good points and not so good. We are delicate and fragile. Yet we are also capable of showing remarkable resilience. Everyone’s personal story, beliefs and viewpoints are so varied and different. As life is complex so are we. At the heart of the message of Christmas God is present in the middle of all our complexities. God isn’t present on the outskirts but right in the middle of whatever is going on for us. It may not be pretty, it may not be exciting, it may even be a huge struggle but that%u2019s where God wants to be. God isn’t the cause of complexities but is most definitely the cause of a sense of purpose, hope, and a guiding force through these complexities.