Photo was taken near Macroom, Co.Cork (Irl)

A snow covered house is reflected in the nearby River Lee at Fourmile Bridge near Macroom Co.Cork

Thought on Wednesday – January – 23/01/2013

‘The word ‘abide’ is used repeatedly in John’s Gospel. It is variously translated as ‘live’ and ‘remain’ and ‘make your home’. It is a beautiful word’ ~Donagh O’Shea

Many years ago a home was often referred to as an “abode”. Sometimes today we might hear someone say “Welcome to our humble abode”. But for the most part it’s not a word we use today. The word “abode” is related to abide. You could call them first cousins. It is the use of the word in John’s gospel that is interesting.

The spiritual writer Fr. Donagh O’Shea points out that it is a beautiful word and so it is. Whether we want to refer to it as live in me, remain in me or make your home in me, the invitation is always the same. It is a gentle welcome from God who loves us intimately and affectionately. God is always waiting for us. Nothing or no one can change this certainty. We may not use the word abide much these days but the meaning behind the word should remain fresh and always within our reach. Can we abide in God during any part of today?