Photo was taken last night near the Eiffel Tower, Paris (France)

Paris looks wonderful by day but by night it also has a character of it’s own. The Eiffel tower simply has a beauty of it’s own at nightime and no matter what part of the city you are in, it just jumps out at you.

Thought on Friday – February – 01/02/2013

‘My hope for the Church is that we can live the Gospel as authentically and joyfully as we possibly can, to make it relevant to people who are alienated.’ ~Shane Sullivan

Today (Feb 1st ) is the feast of St Brigid. In Ireland it is a significant feast day as we celebrate the achievements of a remarkable woman. Born in 454 she is famous for her hospitality, her generosity, her concern for the poor, her ability to stand up to those in authority and her unique ability to get what she wanted. She spoke a message to people who felt lost and alienated. Her message and her voice of hope are still so needed today. There are many who also feel lost and who are struggling to make sense of life.

She is most famous for her St.Brigid cross which she wove together using rushes. The many strands that make up a St.Brigid’s cross represent the different strands of our own lives. They pick up on our joys and blessings but also on our struggles, problems and difficulties. For Brigid the cross was not an end in itself but pointed to a firm and sure hope in a loving God. For Brigid this loving God helps us to make sense of everything that’s going on in our lives. We ask her many blessings on each of us today.