Photo was taken at Cortijo Salinas, Montecorto, Spain

A chance to get to Andalucia in Southern Spain last week was a huge bonus. The pictures for the coming week will come from this spot where spring is taking a firm hold and new life is bursting forth everywhere.

Thought on Monday – February – 18/02/2013

‘Time is our biggest problem. You create time, by not relating fully to what you are doing at every moment. Instead of doing what needs to be done and doing it fully, you think about it.’ ~Krishnamurti

I think we can all relate to thinking about doing something. We play it safe, we think about it, how it might happen, how it could happen and how it should happen. But so often it never actually happens. The spiritual writer Donagh O’Shea puts it so well when he says: “By thinking instead of doing, you create a gap between them, a time lag, and through that gap the whole energy of your life leaks away.”

If we’re honest there is probably a lot of energy leaking away in our lives. Lent is a great time to look at our lives and see where the leaks are. What can I do to stop some of these leaks? What can I do to stop even one leak? This can often be achieved by simply doing something we have been putting off. It might be more quality time with family or friends, it might be eating a healthier diet, getting some exercise in, getting in some prayer or quiet time or appreciating the beauty of the present moment. Very simply we can think a lot about it and nothing gets done or we can go for it and get it done!