Photo was taken at Montecorto, Spain

There is nothing like fresh orange juice and even better again to go out and pick your own fresh oranges as you need them!

Thought on Thursday – February – 21/02/2013

A Lenten Reflection ~Author Unknown

Give up complaining and focus on gratitude.

Give up pessimism and try to focus on what is possible.

Give up harsh judgements and think kindly thoughts.

Give up worry and trust in God to look after you.

Give up bitterness and turn to forgiveness.

Give up hatred and believe more in your goodness.

Give up negativism and be positive.

Give up anger and try to be more patient.

Give up pettiness and treasure the blessings you have.

Give up gloom and enjoy the beauty that is around you.

Give up jealousy and pray for trust.

Give up gossiping and take care in what you say.

Give up sin and open yourself to the good news of the Gospel

Give up giving up and instead hang in there as best you can!