Photo was taken near Kinsale, Co.Cork (Irl)

A field of barley looking a beautiful colour and ready to be harvested.

Thought on Friday – August – 16/08/2013

‘Focus on faith and grow your roots strong and deep so no one can make you believe in something that is not good for your soul.’ ~Molly Friedenfeld

Once upon a time, a stately oak tree realized that its strength was beginning to wane. When the wind was strong, the once proud tree shook ominously and made suspicious creaking sounds. With great effort, the tree grew some fine new branches and began to feel secure once more. But when the next gale came, it felt some of its roots snapping and, had it not been for the support of a friendly neighbouring sycamore tree, it would have fallen to the ground. When the oak tree recovered from the shock, it turned to the sycamore and asked, “How is it that you were able to stand your ground and help me also?” The sycamore tree replied, “While you were busy growing new branches, I was strengthening my roots.”

Sometimes we put a lot of emphasis on the leaves and externals. They are important but not always essential. Much more important is what lies within. Like the roots much of our spiritual nourishment is often hidden. When it is nurtured and looked after it is strong and able to withstand the storms. When it is weak or neglected we are much more vulnerable.