Photo was taken at Tooreenbawn, Millstreet, Co.Cork (Irl)

A rose in bloom has to be shown to coincide with the Rose Of Tralee! Last night the Texan Rose Haley O’Sullivan was announced the winner.

Apologies about the delay with update today, due to upgrade of website security measures.

Thought on Wednesday – August – 21/08/2013

‘God does not ask for our ability or our inability but our availability.’ ~Author Unknown

We so often focus on our inabilities rather than our abilities. How often we have heard, “I’m no good at that”. What a pity. Maybe there was something we enjoyed doing but other commitments came in the way and we gave it up. Maybe now is a good time for a review and maybe now is a good time to go back to that interest/hobby that gave you energy and the something you really enjoyed doing.

If only we had more inner belief and the confidence to hear that inner voice within each of us saying, “I can and I will do it.” For every one thing we are no good at, there are many things that we are good at. The invitation is to be willing to take the next step and make ourselves available and do what we are able to do. Can I give some of my time to doing even one thing I enjoy and one I know I’m good at? Can I believe that my availability to do even one simple thing has the potential to make the world of a difference? In God’s eyes it most certainly does.