Photo was taken at recent horseshow in the RDS, Dublin, (Irl)

A horse ploughs into a high wall, during the Puissance competition at the RDS. Our photo today ties in with our Thought For Today below.

Thought on Monday – September – 02/09/2013

‘Masons when they start upon a building are careful to test out the scaffolding, make sure that planks won’t slip at busy points, secure all ladders, tighten bolted joints and yet all this comes down when the job’s done showing off walls of sure and solid stone. We may let the scaffolds fall confident that we have built our wall’ ~extract from Scaffolding by Seamus Heaney

Much has been written and said about the late Seamus Heaney. His life clearly touched many. I like the image of scaffolding. It explains how some jobs can’t be done on their own. Supports are needed and they must be secure and firm. From a spiritual point of view the scaffolding stands for people who support us in our lives and who make life a better place for us. These supports are mainly to be found amongst family and close friends. They know us through and through and are always there for us. Another important support is our faith and what we believe in. A belief in a loving God is a very firm scaffolding as we build the wall of life. Our faith supports us gently but firmly on the journey of life. Our parents, grandparents and the generations gone before us, have walked this path. Their scaffolding has come down, they have built a fine strong wall. Today we proudly continue to build that wall, confident that God is the foundation, the scaffolding and the corner stone.