Photo was taken at Altamount, Millstreet, Co.Cork (Irl)

These raindrops clung tight onto a washing line during recent heavy rain.

Thought on Tuesday – December – 17/12/2013

‘Everyone wants to be happy and many are, thank God. It has been said that happiness is an inside job. Positively this means that our happiness comes from ourselves. We make ourselves happy or unhappy.’ ~ Bill Cosgrove

This week marks the third week on our journey through Advent. On the Advent wreath a pink candle is lit to mark joys and blessings in our lives. Last Sunday was called ‘Joyful Sunday’ with the emphasis on an invitation to put the spotlight on our good news. This does not mean that we are part of some ‘isolated happy club’ or that we are insulated from the knocks of life. But it does recognise that happiness comes from within. It recognises that having lots of things does not guarantee happiness. It recognises that rushing through life without a definite sense of purpose eats up our energy. It recognises that there is no perfect Christmas but that somehow a baby born in a stable is our reason why, our key to happiness and our reason to keep going. What joy or blessing in your life can you celebrate this Christmas?