Photo was taken next to Mushera Mountain, near Millstreet, Co.Cork (Irl)

A snow shower adds a lovely natural white line along a mountain road.

Thought on Friday – January – 17/01/2014

‘Pope Francis is showing us a way to engage afresh with young people. It will require the ability to meet people in the midst of an often fragile faith and lead them to rekindle an authentic relationship with God. From such a relationship will flow the renewal of both the church and the wider society.’ ~Michael Kelly

It is fascinating to watch and read the different news reports about Pope Francis. It was overwhelming positive during the first few months of his appointment. The cynic might put it down to the honeymoon period, where everything goes just right at the start. But the honeymoon period is long over and still the feedback is overwhelmingly positive. The impact he is having is simply breathtaking. It is felt by the committed, the lapsed, those who are struggling, those who are searching, those who are in between, those who have no belief and those who have been hurt.

It is his humanity, his simplicity, his openness and his sense of fun. This is everything Jesus stood for and our new pope is just mirroring what he truly believes in. The church in many parts of the world and in particular Ireland has been in paralysis. Thankfully there are lots of signs of life and tiny new beginnings. When all put together something special is beginning to happen all around us.