Photo was taken at Vernon, near Paris, France

A beautiful chocolate cake, ‘Je t’aime’ translates from French into ‘I love you’.

Thought on Friday – February – 14/02/2014

‘True love holds all doors open to your soul and to the infinite possibilities of the Divine. I can’t imagine shutting out the love part, even if there is a huge chance that my heart can break. For every single time that it has broken, it has expanded and made more room. I see love in the smiles of a child and the touch of a friend. I am reminded that I am always falling in love. I hope to continue the journey, while witnessing God working through unlimited compassion.’ ~Millie A Mestril

Today is Valentine’s Day. The cynic will see it as a day of commercial exploitation and say the day is a waste of time, effort and money. But there are lots of good things to celebrate today. Like endless other things we take the gift of love so much for granted. But love is much more than an emotion; it is the most powerful energy in the universe and the only one that really matters. It’s great to have at least one day when we put it top of our list again. The challenge then is to keep it up there each day. Love like the wind is constantly changing direction and strength. It needs encouragement, time effort, forgiveness, laughter and honesty.

Some see today as exclusively all about romantic love. But it is only one colour of the rainbow. There are so many other colours and doors that love opens. From a spiritual point of view we are always falling in love because the miracle that love is, is happening all around us. We witness this miracle not just today Valentine’s Day, but every single day of our lives.