Photo was taken in the walled gardens at Myross Wood Retreat House, Leap, West Cork (Irl)

These lilies are particularly eye catching and traditionally are very much associated with today’s feast day of St Anthony of Padua. In some churches lilies are brought to the church for a blessing today. St Anthony has many admirers. There is huge popular devotion to him as he is nominated as finder of lost objects. This came about through his own life, losing himself totally to the providence of God.

Thought on Friday – June – 13/06/2014

Thought For The Week

‘The wind blows where it pleases; you can hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone who is born of the Spirit’ ~ John 3:8

We have just celebrated the feast of Pentecost and it marks the end of the season of Easter. Pentecost Sunday is a celebration of the presence of the Spirit of God in our world and in our lives. It is sometimes hard to put words on what this actually means for us. We know from Confirmation ceremonies that much colour, life and energy flows. It is a wonderful occasion but too often there is no carry over or to move it beyond a one day event. The Spirit of God is alive and active in our lives on an ongoing way. Many comment on the good feeling that Pope Francis has brought to so many. This is not something random, but an example of the Holy Spirit working actively in our world today

But who is the Holy Spirit for each of us? Very simply the Holy Spirit is our friend and is the breath of God in our daily lives. A good image to hold is that of a yacht. As soon as a yacht lifts up its sails to catch a breeze it becomes alive and moves through water full with purpose, energy and delight. If the sail is taken down and put away the yacht is almost lifeless and just drifts along. With regard to the Holy Spirit we have sometimes forgotten to put up our sails to catch and harness a unique presence in our world today. It doesn’t matter when you made your Confirmation, all we have to do is put up the sails today. We will not be disappointed!

Thought For The Week is updated each Monday