Photo was taken at Murphy Furniture Store, Millstreet, Co.Cork (Irl)

This beautiful traditional Santa workshop draws great attention each year and really captures the magic of Christmas Eve. Yes indeed Santa is on his way!!!

Thought on Wednesday – December – 24/12/2014

‘What if we not only believe God is always with us but are consistently aware of this alluring and enduring presence? Imagine how different our Christmas days would be. They would take on a peaceful quality and a loving nuance that would surprise and inspire us.’ ~Joyce Rupp

Last Sunday was a hugely significant day, the winter solstice (Dec 21st). It’s a day that has fascinated people for thousands of years. Before science gave us proper explanations, people feared the dark days of winter and that the world was going to end. But as time evolved people began to understand that the winter solstice marks a significant turning point. Darkness would loose its firm grip to give way to increasing light. Yesterday also had lots of spiritual significance. Every single one of us has our dark corners. On our own such darkness could overwhelm us. We need support, love, companionship, friendship, hope and light to guide us on our daily journey. At Christmas we mark the birth of Jesus who was the greatest and inspiring light. Christmas can be summed up in many ways but the invitation is to invite Jesus into our own struggles and darkness. We are invited to look for light and love. It is never too far from us. Christmas also invites us be this light and love to someone else. Last Sunday Dec 21st reminds us that in the depths of darkness there is great hope. Christmas is a celebration of this hope. Without it we have absolutely nothing.