Photo was taken at Millstreet Country Park, Co.Cork (Irl)

This is a barn owl called ‘Lucy’. It was great to see her flying freely recently at Millstreet Country Park and trained to come back to her owner.

Thought on Friday – October – 02/10/2015

Thought For The Week

‘Reaching the inner person is one of the intrinsic strengths of all organised religions. Reaching in to reach out is a worthy mission and one that in terms of enduring values can appeal to the spirit of the age. It is a mission for which the Church as people of God is especially well placed.’ ~Pat Cox

We are comfortable living on the externals. We often go through the motions, do what needs to be done, tick all the boxes and just go with the flow of life. As we come to the end of this month of September was it a month where you just drifted along? Sometimes we drift with the flow and take everything as it comes. We don’t always look within us, to our own inner feelings, thoughts, hopes and dreams. Our inner voice sometimes screams to be heard. Every healthy and good religion allows us to connect with our inner selves. We do this through prayer, quiet time, reflection, meditation, silence or taking time out to just be. Once we give ourselves a chance to reach within, we are in fact reaching to God and doing our best to understand that God is often our stepping stone in life. When we race through life, jumping from one moment to the next, we can often forget the stepping stones. We can only find them or use them, if we slow down and take it one step at a time. When was the last time you reached in? Every time we reach in, we slow ourselves down enough, to give us a genuine chance of connecting with the energy or presence of God in our life.