St. Augustine is famous for his big conversion in life. His complete turnaround and conversion has been an inspiration to many who struggle with a particular vice or habit they long to break. This famous son of St. Monica was born in Africa and spent many years of his life in wicked living and in false beliefs. Though he was one of the most intelligent men who ever lived and though he had been brought up a Christian, he led a very troubled life. Through the prayers of his mother and the marvelous preaching of St. Ambrose, Augustine finally became convinced that Christianity was for him. Yet he did not become a Christian then, because he thought he wasn’t able.

But later he was baptised and became a priest, a bishop, a famous writer and one of the greatest saints that ever lived. He became very devout and charitable, too. On the wall of his room he had the following sentence written in large letters: “Here we do not speak evil of anyone.” St. Augustine overcame strong heresies, practiced great poverty and supported the poor, preached very often and prayed with great fervor right up until his death.