Photo was taken up on Clara mountain looking across over Millstreet and much of North Cork (Irl)

Millstreet town looking its best from Clara mountain

Thought on Sunday – September – 09/09/2018

Our Thought For Today is by Jane Mellett from Intercom Magazine. It is is called ‘Ephphatha’

In today’s gospel Jesus heals a man who was deaf and who had a speech impediment, unable to hear or speak God’s word of truth. Jesus says ephphatha, which means ‘be opened!’ Immediately this man was healed.

During this Season of Creation we are all urged to listen to the cry of the earth. Scientists are now telling us that unless drastic action is taken we will lose the battle against the environmental destruction which this world is faced with. The worldwide heatwave and drought which we experienced this summer is one example of how our planet is under pressure. Yet change is possible. All it takes is one good person to restore hope. As followers of Christ we have a duty to lead the way in caring for God%u2019s beautiful creation. What prevents us from hearing these messages? We can be cynical and say that the issue is too big, that it is up to governments to sort out. Ephphatha!

We start where we are and do what we can. This week can you encourage your family to make small changes in the home such as ensuring all waste is correctly recycled, composting, encouraging one another to use public transport or walk/cycle when possible? A very simple action is to reduce the use of plastic by buying a reusable water bottle or coffee cup which removes so much waste from landfills and sends a powerful message. We begin with the small actions and encourage others to do the same. Ephphatha! Let us all be open to this call to care for our common home.

(You can find out more at