Photo was taken at Vernon Mount, Cork (Irl)

If you want to know what its like to fly like a bird then motocross racing could be for you!!! The bravery of these riders is truly remarkable as they rise to breathtaking heights at incredibly fast speed.

Thought on Friday – January – 22/03/2019

‘Blessed is the influence of one true, loving human soul on another’ ~ George Eliot

There can be many different types of influences ranging from weak to strong and from negative to positive/good. The world we live in today can so often get caught up in a lot of negativity. This of course rubs off on us too but it’s up to us to make sure that as little as possible of it gets clung to us. As our journey through Lent is coming to a close next week, the focus has been very much on good news and especially in our own lives. Perhaps we take for granted the influence we have on each other, particularly the good and positive. No matter how ordinary today may be, you will have a unique influence on someone, perhaps without even knowing it. We ask God today to help us believe in our own self worth and our own abilities. May we never take for granted our good and positive influences on other people.