Photo was taken at Coláiste Pobail Bheanntraí (Bantry Community College), West Cork (Irl)

Last week was a busy one for so many schools, with Christmas pageants, shows and concerts taking place. Our photo today was from the TY production of ‘Shrek’ which was exceptionally brilliant. There was lots of laughs and colour throughout. Well done to everyone involved.

Thought on Monday – December – 23/12/2019

Thought For The Week

‘My idea of Christmas, whether old-fashioned or modern, is very simple: loving others. Come to think of it, why do we have to wait for Christmas to do that?”

~ Bob Hope

We often hear about how many ‘sleeps’ we have to Christmas. Today Monday we have just two sleeps left. It generates excitement and anticipation especially with children. As we reflect on Christmas and what happened on the first Christmas night, we are putting the pieces together from select scripture readings. There are many pieces of the story missing.

Was the baby sleeping in the manger? Perhaps he was crying or maybe wide awake in his mother’s arms. We know the shepherds were far from asleep. What they saw on the hills that night, with the angels singing changed their lives forever. They knew when they got to the stable how incredibly lucky and privileged they were to be part of the story.

Our cribs usually have a cow, donkey, sheep and some lambs. But in true tradition of that time there most likely would have been goats, doves and hens present. That stable would also have had its own unique earthy smell!

What about Mary and Joseph? It must have been total relief and delight. After a very anxious and stressful time searching for somewhere to stay they were glad to be where they were. Their child was surrounded in beautiful light and love. Their precious baby was safe, secure and doing well. It was all that mattered for now.

The stable also pulls us in too. We too are invited to step in like the shepherds. We come with our own story and everything that is going on for each of us. We are welcomed and loved. Whether you are spiritual, religious or none you are welcome. It doesn’t really matter what age you are, your background, your history, your sexual orientation, the colour of your skin, your circumstances or whatever – you are welcome.

The message of Christmas reminds us you are loved by God, you are precious and special and you are worth celebrating. Not just for one day or some days but everyday. The message of Christmas can sometimes get lost in the hectic pace of our everyday lives. This Christmas we pause and stop to let the beautiful message of Christmas sink in.

I would like to wish you and your family a Happy Christmas and every blessing during 2020