Photo was taken at Altamount, Millstreet, Co.Cork (Irl)

Yesterday was the feast day of St Francis and it was a wonderful celebration of everything beautiful and special in creation

Thought on Monday – October – 05/10/2020

‘Lord, make me an instrument of your peace. Where there is hatred, let me sow love.’ ~Francis of Assisi

St Francis whose feast day was yesterday (Oct 4th) is one of the most popular saints of our time. He is one of those rare saints who has managed to capture the attention and admiration of the entire world. His life has inspired people of all ages and the appeal of this saint, cuts across national boundaries and religious differences. He is most famous for his respect towards God, his simple life and his tender love and attention to all creation. Francis had little time for excess, waste and greed. He always stood up for the poor and downtrodden.

His love of animals has been well documented. Many animals and especially pets always get a treat in honour of St Francis. The life of Francis still challenges all of us today. The invitation is to sort through our lives and discard the unnecessary and useless. There is great freedom in doing with less and using it to our advantage. Francis did it so well and has inspired so many more to do the same.

This weekend also brought a close the season of creation which has been running since the start of September. It is no surprise that it should finish on the feast day of St. Francis. Prayers have been asked for the care of creation. Many have spoken how nature has helped them through Covid 19. The ability to get out for a walk is appreciated so much more now. We have been asked to become more aware of the beauty of creation all around us and we are encouraged to protect our natural environment as best we can.