Photo was taken at Gougane Barra, West Cork (Irl)

This stream was simply flowing in different directions over the rock after recent heavy rain

Thought on Sunday – December – 20/12/2020

‘We need to show that the message of Jesus is indeed good news, not boring or suffocating or restrictive but extraordinary, life-enhancing and life changing good news.’ ~Gerard Moloney

This 3rd week of Advent puts the spotlight on our good news. The pink candle on the Advent wreath particularly stands out in colour and energy. As we put on the spotlight on our good news we know it is not the stuff that will grab the headlines or make the headlines. Our good news is often the simple, ordinary and down to earth moments that make up our daily lives. Yes good news has been scarce during 2020 but there are lots of good news stories out there in our Diocese and parishes. We need to celebrate them even more now.

Equally the good news of Jesus in our Gospel stories is extraordinary, life-enhancing and life changing. The challenge is to bring this good news alive and to believe that it does make a difference. This is at the heart of the Christmas message. The birth of Jesus is a reminder of God with us and among us. It’s not just about some event in the past but all about the difference it can make in our lives right now.