Photo was taken this morning at Bantry, West Cork (Irl)

At first I didn’t see it, but as I continued my walk I saw this little baby rainbow. It may not have the stand out beauty of a big powerful rainbow, but in it’s own way it was just as beautiful
Today is the feast day of Saints Michael, Gabriel and Raphael-Archangels (See more in Thought For Today below)

Thought on Wednesday – September – 29/09/2021

‘Archangel Michael has long been a protector of and friend to all who ask. Healer, warrior and guardian, Michael is the bringer of peace and the conqueror of darkness.’ ~Doreen Virtue

Today (September 29th) is the feast of the Archangel Michael. Michael, like God and all of the angels is unlimited in his ability to help us. Many people have great devotion to him and in particular call on him during difficult and stressful situations. His primary role is protection and in particular during darkness and evil. We are aware how the world we live in has its own horrible evil moments. There are many examples where evil and darkness try and smother love and goodness.

Archangel Michael is busy on our behalf to make sure that evil does not get a firm hold. He wants to respond to every call and prayer for help and protection. We can pray and ask him for protection and healing. We can do this whenever we want but today is a good day to do so. St Michael is the patron of police, grocers, mariners, paratroopers and sickness.