Photo was taken last week in Killarney, Co.Kerry (Irl)

Beautiful autumn colours were looking their best in Killarney.

Extras here will return as normal tomorrow

Thought on Wednesday – November – 24/11/2021

‘Where there is music you are never alone. It is true that we hear a lot of music but rarely listen to it properly, as we either allow or are forced to let our attention wander.’ ~Gordon Giles

There is music for every occasion. In shopping centres easy listening is the normal choice to relax customers. It is used at airports to calm nervous passengers. Classical music has been played in areas where graffiti or unsociable behaviour takes place. It has the desired effect of calming and reducing antisocial behaviour. Radio stations are constantly trying to woo us with music we will like.

We all have our own unique taste of music. Today hundreds of songs can be stored in a portable device the size of a matchbox. The digital age has allowed music to become everyone’s best friend. The downside to it all is that with access to endless amounts of music, we can take it all for granted, not appreciate it and perhaps forget that music is gift.

Monday was the feast day of St. Cecilia. She is the patroness of music and musicians and a reminder how music is a precious gift from God. Music is the pulse and heartbeat of life. Music is there for every occasion. It can uplift, calm and relax. It goes way beyond words. Today is a day to appreciate music and in particular your favourite type of music. What will you listen to today?