Photo was taken yesterday at Altamount, Millstreet, Co.Cork (Irl)

A hard frost left its mark overnight. It is good that we are getting weather we should be getting at this time of year

On This Day

On Jan 13th 2020 the oldest material existing on earth at 7.5 billion years old was revealed by scientists. It was from the Murchison meteorite that fell to earth in Australia in 1960s

Birthday’s Today

Stephen Hendry (World Snooker Champion 7 times) is 53
Julian Morris (Actor) is 38

Interesting Quote for Today

“Step out of the circle of time and into the circle of love.” ~ Rumi

Saint For Today: Saint Hilary of Poitiers

Significane of today Make Your Dreams Come True Day is celebrated on Jan 13th. You are encouraged to give yourself the push you need to chase your dreams and make them a reality.

Did You Know: Bees are found everywhere in the world except for the Antarctica

My Latest Video It is called ‘Our Baptism is lifechanging today and everyday’ (Just copy and paste Tks!)

Thought on Thursday – January – 13/01/2022

Thought For The Week

‘It is with the smallest brushes that the artist paints the most exquisitely beautiful pictures’ ~Andre Bessette

We all have our own favourite painting hanging up at home. We may have got it as a gift but the chances are high that you bought it and you did so because it caught your eye and imagination. Lots of brushes are used to create each painting but it’s the smallest ones that bring out the finer details.

The same goes with all we do in life. Big sweeping changes and big life changing events in life are rare. It might be tempting to try something big at the start of a new year. But God always invites us to work with the smallest of brushes. We have lots of colours to choose from. It’s with all the small bits and pieces put together that God creates something special. That masterpiece is you.

It is the very same with the feast of the baptism of Jesus, which we celebrated at the weekend. We tend to think of our baptism as just a once off event, we know it’s a big box ticked and once ticked we don’t have to return to it anymore.

But the effects of our baptism last a lifetime. Our baptism is lived out each day. It is like an artist working with the smallest of brushes. It’s the small brushes that bring out the finer details. Our baptism brings out the best in us. They all add up into something really special.