Photo was taken at Seskin, Bantry, West Cork (Irl)

I took this photo just a few days ago. I guess I have been following the progress of these flowers. They are the Horsechestnut Tree flowers and always stand proudly tall, with elegance and great beauty.

Thought on Thursday – May – 12/05/2022

‘There’s a disappointment and anger inside every one of us and unless we find it in ourselves to forgive, we will be bitter.’ ~Ronald Rolheiser

The constant invitation throughout the Gospel stories is to allow life help us to become a better person and not a bitter person. It is very much at the heart of the story of Easter as well. It would seem that as we become older we can become more increasingly resentful.

That is why Jesus said we must become like little children. They have no hidden agendas and do not carry the resentments and hurts we tend to carry. At times a needle of resentment can get stuck in the record of our lives and it keeps churning out the same old story. This story is always negative, critical and sarcastic. It drains us of vital energy and long term it is never good for our health. All the good and positive moments that make up our day simply get lost in this.

Joan Chittister described it as an “acid that is poured on our souls eating away our peace within.” It has often been said God loves the sinner but not the sin. Forgiveness allows us to let go of the resentment and begin to get on with our lives. What do you need to let go of in your life? Can you begin to let go some resentment?

Last Sunday was the Fourth Sunday of Easter and has traditionally been called ‘Vocations Sunday’. The following prayer has been put together to mark the day.
Loving God, at baptism you have gifted each of us with a call to serve you and all people in everything we do. Give us the strength to share your message of love, justice, hope and peace. We ask you, Lord, for the gift of new vocations to priesthood in our Diocese. In your loving care, accompany those who are seeking to know your will for them. Inspire those you invite to serve as priests and fill them with the courage to answer that call. Through Christ Our Lord. Amen.