Photo was taken by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

We celebrate the second Sunday of Advent today. The second candle on the Advent wreath wreath is lit. Advent is a season of light and hope. Whatever darkness may be in our lives, there is always light. We believe that Jesus is this light, today and everyday. It is at the heart of what Christmas is all about.

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Thought For The Week

You know that feeling of waiting for something or someone? It is a feeling of excitement or maybe anxiety. Waiting is not always seen as a good thing but it can be a time for growth. And so we enter into the season of waiting: Advent. ~Jane Mellett

The Late Late Toy Show was another huge success again last Friday with the Wizard of Oz theme. From the beautiful colourful opening piece and all the way through, the show was enjoyed by so many children and families. It is always one of the first indicators that Christmas is fast approaching. This week also marks the beginning of our journey through Advent and the spiritual countdown to Christmas. For many though it’s a word that doesn’t connect or has little to offer our daily journey.

Advent can be seen as a forced season upon us, to get us excited about the coming of Christmas. But there is nothing forced with Advent and its intention is to always remind us what Christmas is about. Its intention is to remind us that God is near us and in our midst. Advent reminds us that God is present in love, kindness, sharing, friendship and our support of each other.

But like anytime of the year, the weeks coming up to Christmas are especially busy. Busyness dulls our sense of God all around us, especially when it comes to love, kindness and so many other blessings that are important to us. Advent is a journey that priorities time for ourselves and gives us time to ask what the message of Christmas can mean for us.

I recently read a lovely piece of advice on our approach to Christmas. The writer suggested that for Advent, put aside an A4 sheet or a sheet with lines on it. Each line represents one day. On our journey through Advent we are invited to write just two things that we would like to give thanks for. Maybe it was something that happened during that day, maybe it was a gesture of kindness, maybe it was someone in your family or a stranger or maybe it was for the lovely sunrise or a sunset.

As only a few words will fit on each line, it is not going to take long. If we can then look at this sheet on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day, our experience of Christmas will be completely different. Because in all that you have written down, it is there that you have found God present.

The Thought For The Week is updated each Monday