We wish all our Dad’s a Happy Father’s Day today


Thought For The Week

Sheep are mentioned over 500 times throughout scripture and the word shepherd is used 43 times. In using the image of sheep Jesus was using an image that everyone was familiar with. He knew more than anybody else the difference a shepherd makes. He said the people were harassed and dejected. These are strong words, negative words and for someone to be harassed and dejected that is a very difficult place to be. But with Jesus as our shepherd we are reminded that we are safe, protected and loved.

It is a lovely coincidence that our Gospel this weekend coincides with the feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus which every year is celebrated in the middle of June. We know physically the heart is a muscle and it is a central and vital organ within our body. Every cell in our body relies on the work of our heart. Your heart beats about 100,000 times in one day and about 35 million times in a year. What an amazing organ within our body.

So if our heart is central to life and being alive, then it comes as no surprise that the image of the Sacred Heart has been given to Jesus.  He is the one who has tremendous love for us.  No heart has loved more than the heart of Jesus. He loves us in ways that no words can describe. His love for us reminds us beautifully how we are precious, special and unique. Nothing will ever change his beautiful love of us.

The beautiful short prayer: “O Sacred Heart of Jesus I place all my trust in you” must surely be one of the most beautiful prayers we have. So when prayer is difficult or challenging all we have to do is whisper the beautiful words: “O Sacred Heart of Jesus I place all my trust in you.”

They can be our first words in the morning, our last words at night, our words when we are afraid or worried, our words as we think of a loved one, our words when we hear bad news, our words when we are standing in a queue, our words before we receive Holy Communion, our words when we are grateful for blessings received

And so this weekend we celebrate Jesus as our shepherd and we celebrate the feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.  Both are a beautiful celebration of God’s love for us but especially a beautiful celebration of God’s love for you.

O Sacred Heart of Jesus I place all my trust in you.